Jannik's Blog

Host your Django App for 1€/month

This post describes how you can deploy your Django application on Uberspace. Uberspace is an awesome and somewhat unconventional hoster. It’s shared hosting but with a full-fledged Cent-OS command line interface offering everything a normal vps does except root access. But if you need software installed that needs root access the awesome customer service will help you out instantly. PLUS: They allow you to pay as much as you want (but min. 1€ per month). We use Uberspace primarily for demos and small websites.

We also describe a convenient deploy scenario with git post-receive hooks to do super simple deployments without much overhead.

Since Uberspace has some technical limitations the setup is a bit different than on a conventional vps or root server (e.g. fcgi instead of wsgi). For our own reference and for people looking for a step by step tutorial that works without much cross-reading we decided to post our setup.

NOTE: This is how we deploy our apps on Uberspace in detail so it is somewhat opinionated. Feedback is much welcome. Just ping Jannik on Twitter (@jnk_wyrich) or discuss on Hacker News or Reddit.


We gonna keep it brief but show all the necessary steps. Check the sources section for more background info. We assume you already have your Django project in a Git repo.

Important: Please add South to your requirements file. Since it’s part of our deploy script.

The Django settings file

We just set the static directories and database configuration. The rest of the django settings are up to you.

STATIC_ROOT = '/home/<YOUR_UBERSPACE_USER>/html/static'
MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/<YOUR_UBERSPACE_USER>/html/uploads'

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
MEDIA_URL = '/uploads/'

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'PASSWORD': '<YOUR_MYSQL_PW>', # find it in the following file: ~/.my.cnf
        'HOST': '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock',
        'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default.


Your Uberspace provides MySQL databases for you to use.

You can access your database data under https://adminer.<YOUR_SERVER_NAME>.uberspace.de/. The primary database name and user is the name of your Uberspace user. Your MySQL password is stored in the file ~/.my.cnf on your Uberspace.

Python Setup

To get Python and Django on your Uberspace running you need to do the following steps (described in the official Uberspace Wiki)

To be able to install Python modules:

mkdir -p ~/bin ~/lib/python2.7

Install flup for fast-cgi. (WSGI does not work on Uberspace see Uberspace Wiki).

pip-2.7 install flup

How to get your project running

Now that the basic environment for our Django project is done, we describe how to setup the static and media paths and how to deploy your project via git.

First you create a directory structure to store the application in. We made the structure up ourselves. It’s just our recommendation. You can obviously use other paths and dir names.

mkdir -p ~/data/apps
git init --bare ~/data/git/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>.git
vi ~/data/git/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>.git/hooks/post-receive
# Update the post-receive hooks permissions
chmod 755 ~/data/git/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>.git/hooks/post-receive

Paste the following into the file ~/data/git/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>.git/hooks/post-receive.

Fill in your data where .


# e.g. PROJECT_NAME=myproject
# e.g. REQUIREMENTS_FILE=$PROJECT_PATH/requirements.txt
# e.g. MANAGE_PY=$PROJECT_PATH/manage.py

killall -u $USER python2.7

if [ ! -d /home/$USER/data/apps/$PROJECT_NAME/.git ]
    git clone /home/$USER/data/git/$PROJECT_NAME.git /home/$USER/data/apps/$PROJECT_NAME
        pip-2.7 install -r $REQUIREMENTS_FILE
    python2.7 $MANAGE_PY syncdb --noinput
    unset GIT_DIR
    cd $PROJECT_PATH && git checkout -- .
    cd $PROJECT_PATH && git pull
    pip-2.7 install -r $REQUIREMENTS_FILE

# South required to do DB migrations
python2.7 $MANAGE_PY migrate
cd /var/www/virtual/$USER/html/static && rm -rf * .[^.]* ..?*
mkdir -p /var/www/virtual/$USER/html/static
python2.7 $MANAGE_PY collectstatic --noinput
mv $STATIC_DIR/* /var/www/virtual/$USER/html/static/
killall -u $USER python2.7


Add a fast CGI file.

vi ~/fcgi-bin/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>.fcgi
chmod 755 ~/fcgi-bin/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>.fcgi

With the following configuration.

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import os
import sys

# Add a custom Python path.
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/<YOUR_UBERSPACE_USER>/data/apps/')
# This path links to the dir where your manage.py is located
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/<YOUR_UBERSPACE_USER>/data/apps/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>/')

# Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
# The location depends on your project structure

from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
runfastcgi(method='threaded', daemonize='false')

Setup a .htaccess in your Uberspace’s public directory. Find it here ~/html/.htaccess.

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /fcgi-bin/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]

Deploying your Django app from your local machine

Now that your server is setup all that’s left is to deploy your application code to the server.

To do so you need to add a new git remote to the local git repository of your Django project.

git remote add uberspace ssh://<YOUR_UBERSPACE_USER>@<YOUR_SERVER_NAME>.uberspace.de/home/<YOUR_UBERSPACE_USER>/data/git/<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>

Now every time you push to the uberspace remote the post-receive hook we set up before gets triggered and does all the steps needed to (re)deploy your Django application. Stuff like pull the application code, update the requirements, migrate your database, updating your static files, etc.


The setup we described above is a cheap, solid and convenient way to run Django applications. Perfect for small projects, experiments or minimum viable products (MVP). Especially when coding experiments or MVPs you might want to update your application pretty frequently without the overhead of manual deploys. With this setup all you need to do is commit your new code to the uberspace git remote and it’s live.

It’s most certainly not suited for applications with high traffic or big data needs. Uberspace limits the quota to 10GB and you share a server with other users. But performance-wise Uberspace’s servers are pretty good. Most likely way better than most shared hosters. We did some load tests with blitz.io and the results were solid. We might write blog post about it later.

Uberspace’s website is only available in German. Visit this link to get a translated version: Uberspace via Google Translate

If you have questions or want to discuss leave a comment on Hacker News or Reddit.

Or ping me on Twitter (@jnk_wyrich)

This is a cross post on here and Particulates’s blog.



